
GGI focuses on improving business and technology management strategies and practices for product conception, creation, development, and commercialization.

Market Research

GGI has an ongoing commitment to learn and stay ahead of the needs of our clients through our proprietary research and publications, and leadership roles with professional and trade associations.

Executive Education

GGI educational programs are open to the public and are also offered privately for companies. Our industry experience, proprietary research, and extensive secondary research all manifest in value-added programs for CXOs.

Corporate Innovation Strategy, Tactics, and Operations Optimization for

R&D, Applied Research, Advanced Development, Product Development, and Life Cycle

Technologies, Intellectual Property, Portfolios, Products, Projects, Organization

Creativity, Execution, Culture, Measurement, Metrics, KPIs, Financial Performance

GGI’s Online Store:  Currently Featured Item 

Big data analytics is increasingly unraveling the mysteries of R&D Spending and its ultimate results some 5-12 years later.  GGI produced three one-hour online programs in late 2018 that zeroed-in on three different areas where progress is being made to tie actual spending actions and decisions to the results they generate.  This is emerging management science on the "ROIs of R&D Spending Decisions and Actions."  This offer consists of the original three slide decks that were used in the three programs of the R&D Spending Performance 8-8-8 Webinar Series.  GGI’s slide decks are not typical MS Powerpoint presentations.  Our Technical Papers are filled with graphics and source data.  Full bibliographic references are provided, in formats consistent with those used in refereed papers published in professional and academic journals.  Where possible, URLs enabling you to find the source data online are also provided. 

The content in this Featured Item will pay for itself if you implement just one of the topics from the first and third programs just one time.  The GGiSTORE Featured Item is always offered at a 40% discount.


World Business Review Television Broadcast

Thinking about how to work more concurrently throughout your product management, engineering, product development, and manufacturing organizations? Check out Brad Goldense’s appearance on Alexander Haig’s World Business Review television show discussing Concurrent Engineering and Concurrent Product Development. The innovation leadership team at GGI’s client C-Cor, part of the giant cable television conglomerate Arris International, then discusses how increased levels of concurrency improved their ability to innovate across the company - a case study.

Timeless Innovation

GGI initiated a series of one-hour online programs in the summer of 2018 on innovation and metrics. Each "Webinar Series" is 3 hours in length, consisting of three one-hour programs.  Each program in a series stands on its own, and addresses a slice of the subject matter for the theme of the Series.

The programs are recorded live during the webinar, and subsequently edited and packaged into a polished mp4 video that may be found in the GGiSTORE.  Interested folks may attend live, attend live and automatically receive the edited recording, or purchase just the recording after a program has been completed.  Series are discounted at three one-hour programs for the price of two.


Purchase Here

There is a demo recording, 4-7 minutes in length, for each one-hour program GGI presents.  Our demos give viewers an idea of the program subject matter by introducing the Table of Contents of the Technical Paper delivered during the program.  Each demo concludes with a practical analogy GGI crafts uniquely for each program involving a famous or notable place that we all know, and how it relates to the subject matter of the program.

Viewing a demo will get you comfortable with how we package the full one-hour program.  Folks say that our front and center bibliographic references and URLs of the sources we cite, saves them hours or searching to find accurate and reliable information.  Check out a demo.  We deliver on the subject matter you see in the table of contents.  Buckle-up for lots of solid information.

Guest Podcasts

GGI is occasionally invited to participate in podcasts with business colleagues and corporations that are interested in GGI's body of knowledge, or our expertise on specific subjects.  These guest appearances span a wide range of subjects, but are generally related to the Strategy, Conception, Definition, Creation, Development, Positioning, and Commercialization of new Technologies and Products.  Many sponsors of these podcasts have graciously allowed GGI to render their file on our site.  Everything is complimentary.  That's what you will find in this section.  We hope you enjoy these dialogues and discussions.

Our Clients

A select sampling of our consulting clients.


Driving Product DevelopmentTM Blog

The DPD Blog features subjects related to the execution, effectiveness, productivity, and business results from investments in R&D and product development. Other content includes related news, events, and conferences.

Driving Product DevelopmentTM Blog


Tangible Innovation!TM Blog

The TI Blog features subjects related to the creativity, innovation, invention, and possible disruption results from investments in R&D and product development. Other content includes related news, events, and conferences.

Tangible Innovation!TM Blog