GGI Press Releases

Better Corporate R&D Spending Decisions Are Possible for Strategic and Program Spending. New 3-Part Webinar Series - The R&D Spending Performance 8-8-8 Webinar Series.

Each webinar presents the essence of the subject matter on each topic and provides complete references, citations, and additional sources of information to enable you to explore any topic.

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Needham, Massachusetts — (PRWEB)— October 22, 2018 —   Do you get the most out of investments in Research, Product Development, and Innovation? Big data analytics are being used by large consulting and market research firms, and by academic researchers around the globe. Together, there are many findings. Our research discoveries are organized into three subject areas: negative effects, positive effects, and metrics that incorporate R&D Spending in their calculations.

The "science of R&D Spending" is still a long way from being stitched together, but studies are beginning to corroborate findings in certain areas. For example, studying the impact of industry awards has become popular. Does your stock go up if you win an award? How about product announcements? Should a process be put in place to formally organize announcements and award applications? This is but one of the 24 topics of The R&D Spending Performance 8-8-8 Webinar series.

Each webinar presents the essence of the subject matter on each topic and provides complete references, citations, and additional sources of information to enable you to dive deeper into any topic that spurs your interest. If you are looking for good information, without spin or someone trying to sell you something, GGI is the right provider.

Webinar 1 - November 8, 2018:
8 Conditions That Impact R&D Spending Results

The first program focuses on factors that will negatively impact spending and spending performance. Some of them are controllable, some are not. We discuss eight conditions ranging from spending decisions in boom and bust periods, to overspending and underspending, to the impacts of variable spending and negative events on output and productivity, that lessen output and outcomes.

We'll begin the program by contrasting the R&D spending patterns of R&D spending countries in the world, quickly move that discussion to an industry level, and then look at the impacts over the past twenty years of both spending strategy and economic fluctuations. The 8 Conditions That Impact R&D Spending Results are all very real. The webinar's goal is to put participants in a better position to lessen the effects when stuff happens, or you are directed to make stuff happen.

Webinar 2 - December 6, 2018:
8 Metrics That Quantify R&D Spending Performance

The second program focuses on key performance indicators [KPIs] that have R&D spending in their calculation. The metrics range from corporate metrics that are either reported to Wall Street or used by analysts and CFOs, to measures that help to divvy-up funds across business units of different purposes and performance levels, to measures that improve the ranking of investments, to measures that can be used to modulate overspending or underspending for corporate and industry considerations.

We'll begin the program with a discussion of R&D intensity and how it differs across industries and examine some recent cross-industry findings regarding the specific spending of funds for Advanced Development activities. These subjects make for a good lead in to the eight R&D spending metrics as industries are different, as are the quantified values of their metrics.

Webinar 3 - January 10, 2019:
8 Actions That Increase R&D Spending Output

The third program focuses on factors that will positively influence spending and spending performance. All of them are within your control. Does your company have its arms around these? We describe eight actions ranging from good CXO behaviors, to data sciences and digital posturing, to timing new product announcements and actively competing for awards, that increase output and outcomes.

We'll begin the program by looking at information that the NSF and National Center for Science & Engineering Studies [NCSES] is collecting from businesses on spending, R&D, and innovation. There is coordination between industry and government at the highest levels to determine some of the research areas. Many map into The 8 Actions That Increase R&D Spending Output, but there is always a lag between the speed of industry and the speed government. The webinar's goal is to offer participants emerging science indicating increased and positive outcomes in eight areas involving R&D spending.

Applicability of The Collective Findings

The 8-8-8 Series is an enabling program for professionals that set the budget, are accountable for the budget, spend any part of the budget, or are responsible for output, performance, and results from R&D Spending. Techniques in this three-part series will improve product, project, and/or corporate-level Rates of Return and Return On Investment.

Registration or Recordings

We hope you join us live. If your schedule conflicts, or you would prefer to have a recording for yourself or a management meeting discussion, edited recordings are available. Demo and Full-Length recordings of completed programs on other innovation topics, lasting 4-5 minutes each, are available on GGI's The Tangible Innovation Channel.

Contact Information:
Bradford Goldense
Goldense Group, Inc. [GGI]
+1 781-444-5400 Ext: 205

GGI Press Release