Proprietary Publications

T121 - "8 Practices That Boost Corporate Innovation"

Innovation Performance 10-9-8 Webinar Series,
Needham, Massachusetts, USA
September 27, 2018 -- [52 Pages]
ISBN 978-1-937115-33-3


This presentation was made in conjunction with the Innovation Performance 10-9-8 Webinar Series on September 27, 2018 in Needham, Massachusetts.


The paper begins with a strong case that R&D output levels have been declining for four decades, a 65% decline over the period. Career innovators will find these macro trends to be fascinating. We will then look at changes to portfolio management practices over roughly that same period. This provides a good baseline to consider your company's current portfolio composition, and possibly rethink the future.

Having described the magnitude of the competitive opportunity, the paper turns the corner and head into the eight-year stretch of spending going on right now. The pattern is encouraging.

We argue the pattern has not been seen since the 1990s and it resulted in the Technology Boom.

We describe each of the eight practices. They span strategy, tactics, and operations.

GGI has respected the management science of R&D, product development, and innovation since its founding - that is our reputation. Best Practices are a big claim. Each analysis to determine a Best Practice costs $2-3 million to perform. These 8 Great Practices have solid underpinnings, which we will share with you. They are, or are in the zone of, Best Practices.

Table of Contents for Technical Paper 121

Section Titles:
R&D Intensity & Productivity  3
The 8 Practices 10
   01-Messaging Strategically 11
   02-Slotting Investments 14
   03-Evaluating Proposals 19
   04-Scrutinizing Plans 23
   05-Innovating Thinking 28
   06-Innovating Thinking 33
   07-Innovating Thinking 38
   08-Innovation Strategy 42
Effective Deployment 47-49
Author Biography 50-52

Bibliographic references are provided for the numerous cases and examples we cite to enable all participants to further their investigation on the subjects of specific interest.

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GGI Technical Paper T121